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Startup of the week: Smylor


This week The Startup Club features Smylor, a Dental Treatments Marketplace. Founded in 2020, the company is bridging the gap in patient relations by allowing patients to chat online, book treatments with multiple dentists and review their treatment experiences.

We spoke to the Founder and CEO​​​​, Stephen Pye, to learn more about the company and their entrepreneurial journey.

The Startup Club: Tell us about your company.

Stephen: Smylor is a company that is a leader in online patients relations management by offering a dental treatment marketplace that bridges the online communications gap between patients and dentists. Smylor supports Dentists and Patients establish a trusted digital relationship online with applications that offer dental treatment transparency, convenience, and outcome confidence. Smylor is supported by a team with international and multi-cultural experience from diverse backgrounds including dentistry, software development and global manufacturing.

The Startup Club: What made you become an entrepreneur?

Stephen: I have always been interested in the psychology of how individuals or groups of individuals make decisions when considering an investment. I think this is one of the most important areas to focus on in entrepreneurship. Ultimately getting a start-up to a point where it generates sales revenues is directly linked to decisions made by prospective customers.

The Startup Club: What is the most challenging part of running your own startup?

Stephen: I think the most challenging part of running a startup, especially in Health Tech, is forecasting an accurate time it takes to develop and test an application to a Minimum Viable Product level. Particularly on defining what are the application features that the customers perceive as a minimum to be viable and ultimately attractive enough for their business to adopt.

The Startup Club: What is the biggest challenge you have faced when looking for funding?

Stephen: Trying to find the right type of investor for each stage of our development that can complete the funding round within the timescale needed.

The Startup Club: What is the most rewarding aspect of entrepreneurship?

Stephen: I think that there are a number of rewards but the one that stands out for me is witnessing the opportunities for our customers to enhance their business model by implementing innovations brought about by our entrepreneurship approach.

Smylor is currently looking for a funding of €1.2M.

To know more about their company, please feel free to visit their website:

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